今日はメキシコ出身で現在Kirei大学の学長を務めるSusana Cabreraさんを紹介します。世界中の学生にアートメイクの良い教育を普及するために活動されており、2023年春のPMU TOKYO SUMMITにも登壇されました。今日はアートメイクで継続的にスキルを伸ばすために大事なことについてお話を伺いました。
Susana Cabrera
メキシコにてKirei大学を設立し、メキシコの保健省と教育省への加盟と同時に、国際的な企業や機関であるGoochie、SCC Global、PMARTなどと連携している。ラテンアメリカで唯一の「正式な」大学であり、12の学部を有する。日々の教育を推進することを使命とし、教育活動を展開している。
Next in PMU:今色々なアートメイクスクールがある中で、初心者のみなさんはスクール選びや勉強の進め方に悩むと聞きますが、正規ルートで学習し、その後学会などを通じて継続的に学習し続けることが大事だと思いますし、結果として近道だと思います。
Susana Cabrera
Universidad Kirei
Today we present Susana Cabrera, from Mexico, who is currently the President of Kirei University. She is working to spread good education in PMU to students around the world. She was also a speaker at the PMU TOKYO SUMMIT in the spring of 2023. Today we spoke with her about what is important for continuous skill development in PMU.
Susana Cabrera
She founded Kirei University in Mexico. It is affiliated with the Mexican Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, as well as with international companies and institutions such as Goochie, SCC Global, and PMART. It is the only “official” university in Latin America, and has 12 faculties. Its mission is to promote education on a daily basis.
Why did you decide to pursue this career?
Susana:My interest was born out of passion, but it grew once I saw all the irregularities, mistakes and informality that exists in this area and decided to work to change all of that so people can have access to better education
What is a moment in your Permanent Makeup journey that was most memorable to you?
Susana:The moment I was granted the endorsement that certifies my academic plans (professional and postgraduate) as official before the competent authorities.
Areas of Expertise
Susana:My focus is on formal education and improving people’s lives.
What do you think is the most important aspect in Permanent Makeup? Why?
Susana:For a professional, all aspects are important and they must be studied and perfected. Personally, the most important thing for me is the academic plan which must be official.
What Does Permanent Makeup Mean to You?
Susana:It is a profession, a career that must be treated as such. That is why I have always worked tirelessly against informality: for me, PMU is something that must be taken seriously, must be respected and that it is a profession which we must exercise with passion and commitment, combining professionalism with artistic and beauty appreciation to help people not only in the aesthetic aspect, but also in the emotional one.
Future Prospects of your career as a PMU artist and the PMU industry
Susana:I firmly believe that PMU will be properly regulated to end informality and that professionals from all around the world will come together to promote education and create associations to achieve that goal.
Message to Young Artists & Japanese PMU Artists
Susana:Always take formal studies first, not a school that promotes a brand nor anything like that. Once we have formal studies, we can keep improving through courses, congress’ and events as such.
I thank you so much for always welcoming me in your country, which I love. I hope that the message I bring is useful and inspiring to you and I am sure that working together we can keep growing and showing the world the importance of our profession.
Next in PMU:I hear that beginners have a difficult choosing a school and how to proceed with their studies, but I think it is important to learn through the formal route and then continue to learn through conferences, etc., and as a result, I think it is a good shortcut.
Please come back to Japan anytime. 🇯🇵
Thank you so much for joining us today, Susana! We look forward to your continuous success!